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Our current FITNESS SESSION TIMETABLE is as follows:

Mondays 1830hrs at MT Sports Clinic

Tuesdays 0915hrs at Bishop Monkton Sports Field
Functional Fitness Circuits during term time.
Sports Training for Adults and KIds during School Holidays.

Tuesdays 1830hrs at MT Sports Clinic

Wednesdays 0930 at Burton Leonard Sports Field
Functional Fitness Circuits (slower paced class)

Thursday 0930hrs on ZOOM
Prehab and Rehab Session - look at different common injuries / conditions and exercises to prevent or recover from them.

Thursdays 1830hrs at Burton Leonard School
Functional Fitness Circuits

Thursdays 2010hrs at Harrogate ABC
Strength & Conditioning Session

Fridays 1700hrs at Harrogate ABC
Kids Boxing Session

I will change these sessions up each 4 week block – The equipment you will need for any of the sessions is you, a mat, a water bottle and a bit of space.



All sessions to be taken on a weekly basis - all other normal booking conditions apply.



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27 St. Johns Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 3AF     T: 07917331486.    © 2019 . All Rights Reserved Evolution Fitness



Friendly, qualified, Enhanced DBS, Fully Insured, First Aid Trained and Child Protection Trained.



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